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进一步推动我们对卓越的承诺, the Fenwick 技术 Department guides and develops, 与行政部门和教职员工合作, the school’s use of technology in the classroom and throughout the institution. 学生们被鼓励发展他们的计算机技能和他们的知识如何技术可以丰富和影响他们的生活在他们的学术研究项目. 为了支持这一目标:
  • 所有学生都必须有一台iPad.
  • Students will have access to the school network and the Internet.
  • Students will have a network folder available online to store files.
To enhance communications between members of the Fenwick community:
  • 所有教职员工、学生和工作人员都将获得esball世博的电子邮件地址.
  • Weekly Bulletins are emailed to all students and parents.
  • 教师, 学生和家长谁签署了esball世博紧急通知系统将收到一个自动电话与重要信息.
使家长和学生对学生的学业进步有更大的了解, esball世博使用学习管理系统服务(学校),使学生和家长与教师互动. to have access to their homework, grades and academic resources.

技术部从早上7点开始营业.m. 到下午4点.m. 上学的时候. 我们的房间是253和255. If you have questions about 技术 at Fenwick, please feel free to contact us.





  • 埃内斯托·涅托照片

    埃内斯托 尼托 



The 技术 Department is responsible for the following:
  • 网络管理/ Maintinance
  • 台式机/笔记本电脑
  • 服务器
  • 打印机/复印机
  • 访问点
  • 液晶投影仪
  • 钥匙卡访问
  • 教师/学生ID
  • VOIP电话系统
  • 安全摄像头


1:1 learning enhances student critical thinking and problem solving capabilities, 同时也支持自主学习. 这个项目将教会我们的学生如何在数字环境中负责任地参与,并加强他们的21st century skills such as understanding the ethical use of technology, 问责制, social responsibility and personal productivity. 它支持创造和创新, 沟通和信息技能, 以及全球意识和公民素养. 掌握这些知识和发展这些技能将使我们的学生在未来的大学生活和以后的生活中处于更好的地位.

使用ipad可以让我们用ibook和电子书取代一些教科书, lightening the load students must carry with them every day. 另外, 这将减少花在课本上的费用, which may offset the cost of the iPad over the course of four years of high school. Students will be able to access original documents, 视频和其他课程材料随时随地从学校内外, 太, 这有助于随时随地的学习. The iPad provides a way for students and teachers to engage in an interactive, 以学生为中心的学习环境.

All students are required to have their own iPad.

考虑从Fenwick苹果商店购买你的iPad,以获得苹果的教育折扣. 这个商店可以在 www.苹果.com/edu/fenwickhighschool.



  • Q. 哪些人需要购买iPad?

  • Q. Can I bring a device other than an iPad into school?

    学生需要有一台iPad. 我们的课程是为使用ipad上最有效的文本和应用程序而量身定制的. 学生可以把笔记本电脑带到学校, 然而, laptops and personal smartphones will not be allowed on the Fenwick Wi-Fi network.
  • Q. 我的学生应该购买哪款iPad?

    建议您购买第9代或更高版本的iPad,内存至少为256gb. 建议最低版本为v16版本. It is also recommended that your iPad have a hard case to protect it from damage.
  • Q. iPad附带了什么配件? 需要什么额外的配件? 推荐什么??

    All iPads come with a power adapter and a Dock Connector to a USB cable. An Apple Pencil or other stylus and/or keyboard is recommended.
  • Q. 我可以和兄弟姐妹共享我的iPad吗?

    No, 整个上课时间都需要ipad,而共享将极大地限制该计划的有效性. 然而,书籍和应用程序可以在iTunes帐户上购买,该帐户可以跨设备共享内容.
  • Q. 如何将iPad连接到Fenwick Wi-Fi?

    技术部门将需要学生ipad的信息来建立Fenwick WiFi连接. An email is sent out in June with directions on how to provide this information.
  • Q. iPad将如何在课堂上使用?

    课堂使用将因学科而异. The iPad replaces many textbooks in the classroom, 作为科学课程的模拟平台,并作为学生电子邮件和网络活动的主要界面.
  • Q. 我的学生将如何学习如何使用iPad?

    新生迎新期间, while the student is setting up their iPads for the Fenwick Wi-Fi, a class will be given about using Fenwick approved apps as well as Schoology.
  • Q. How do I get the needed apps and/or iBooks' on my iPad?

    Apps are available for purchase through the App Store, which comes standard as part of the Apple environment. Students will be given a list of apps that they must load on their iPad. Fenwick will have a list of required apps per subject, which will vary in price. Many of the apps we intend to use are available at no cost, e.g. 计算器. 有关电子书的信息,请参阅夏季发给您的信息.
  • Q. 所有的书都是电子版的吗?

    No. However, Fenwick is working hard to move to electronic books in all areas. 这将需要几年的时间,并取决于教师、电子文本的可用性等.
  • Q. Will students still have or be able to use hardcover textbooks?

    如果学生喜欢的话,他们可以使用精装书. However, the iPad will be required for other classroom activities (e.g. 模拟,网络访问等.).
  • Q. 我的学生需要购买计算器吗?

    Yes, 计算器 are required for math and science. 熟悉计算器对ACT/SAT成绩以及数学和科学考试至关重要, ACT/SAT考试不允许使用iPad.
  • Q. What can I do to prevent loss/theft/damage to my iPad?

    iPad和他们的手机一样,都是昂贵的电子产品,不应该无人看管. 我们建议您下载“查找我的iPhone”应用程序并将其安装在iPad上. 如果iPad丢失或被盗, this application allows messages to be sent to the device, 警报响起, 还有一张地图,显示设备的位置. 为了防止损坏,学生们应该注意如何携带和存放设备. Also, a case of the student's choice is recommended.
  • Q. What should I do if the iPad is damaged, lost or stolen?

    If your iPad is damaged, an Apple Store can fix the iPad for a fee. 如果iPad丢失或被盗,我们可以帮助追踪设备,如果它在学校,它是开着的. Once the device leaves the school, we have no way of tracking the device. Find My iPad is a highly recommended app to install and turn on.
  • Q. If my iPad is in for repair or is lost, what can I do until I get a new iPad?

    Fenwick为丢失ipad的学生提供最多三周的ipad租借服务,价格为35美元, 或者iPad被偷. If students are in a situation w在这里 a loaner iPad should be issued, 家长和学生都要签署在网站上找到的贷款协议.

    Due to COVID-19, we have a limited amount of loaner iPads.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide you an iPad when you request one.
  • Q. Can I print directly from my iPad to the school printers?

    Printing to school copiers from an iPad is available. 学生应该查看Fenwick的电子邮件,了解如何使用iPad打印.
  • Q. What happens if my student forgets to charge their iPad?

    Maintaining the iPad and charging the iPad is the responsibility of the student. 没有带着充满电的iPad上学可能会导致无法参加课堂活动. 结果因班级而异.
  • Q. 有没有办法在学校给ipad充电?

    学生们应该确保他们的ipad每天上学时都充满电. 但是,如果需要的话,在入口通道和整个学校都有电源插头.
  • Q. Will students be able to back up information on the network? 他们的数据受保护吗??

    学生将无法从iPad将文件备份到Fenwick网络. 学生们可以使用一些云存储应用程序来备份他们的文件.g. iCloud或Google Drive.
  • Q. To what extent will my student be able to customize his/her device?

    因为ipad是个人财产, 学生可以自定义他们的桌面体验和应用程序文件夹环境. 建议学生定制他们的设备,以适应他们的家庭和学校的需要.e. folders for subjects, page for personal use, etc.).

2023 iPad设置

学生们将会收到电子邮件,告诉他们如何用他们的ipad向我们发送信息,这些信息将在7月14日之前添加到我们的系统中.  Students will also be given student login information to the various systems, as well as information on completing a required Digital Citizenship course.


如果你的iPad丢了, 被盗或损坏, and is in the process of being repaired or a new iPad purchased, you can request a loaner iPad from the 技术 Office. 请遵循以下步骤:


填写所有要求的信息. Both the student and a parent/guardian must sign the form.

将填妥的表格连同35美元(支票抬头为esball世博)一起带到技术办公室,以使用租借的iPad 最多三周.

当你收到新的或修好的iPad时, return the loaner iPad to the 技术 Office as soon as possible.

我们的外借ipad数量有限.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide you an iPad when you request one.


Families who qualify may fill out a 租赁至自有 form.租赁拥有ipad数量有限. Forms must be submitted by June 30th to enieto@d3africa.net.



一定要购买保险,或者确保它是在你的房主的政策,如果丢失或被盗. Student should NEVER leave their iPad in their locker.

值得注意的是,Applecare+是一项延长保修,只涵盖两次损坏. 它不包括丢失或被盗的ipad.
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