T在这里 is a four-year language requirement at esball世博. We offer French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish. Many of the languages provide an Honors/AP track at the higher levels. 大二之后, 每个学生都需要在前两年完成特定的要求,才能继续学习该语言的第三和第四年. 如果不符合要求,学生将不得不切换到另一种语言. If your child has been taking a language course in grammar school, we encourage him/her to sit for the World Languages placement exam, which is offered in April. 有关分班考试的日期和时间的更多信息,请查看我们esball世博团队发送的信息. Please feel free to contact the World Languages department chair, 萨曼莎Carraher, should you have any questions (